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Decoration & Festive Design

28 Giant Acrylic Glitter Stones
For decorating the Birthday table or nature table, building block castles and palasts and it is a real treasure in every secret box. In a pal leaf shell. Materials: Acryl, mirror surface on bottom (more sparkling). Size: diameter between 2,5-4,5cm.

100 Small Acrylic Glitter Stones
100 Acrylic glitter stones, freely sorted. For decorating the Birthday table or nature table, building block castles and palasts and it is a real treasure in every secret box. In a pal leaf shell. Materials: Acryl, mirror surface on bottom (more sparkling). Size: diameter between 1-2,5cm.

Wimpelkette Pastell-1 Wimpelkette Pastell-2
Pennant Banner Pastel
The Pennant Banner to thread and decorate is a real eye-catcher on any celebration and great for decorating the children‘s room. 24 pieces with string. Materials: plywood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: 5,5 x 9,7 cm per part.

Wimpelkette Regenbogen-1 Pennant Banner Rainbow
Pennant Banner Rainbow
The Pennant Banner to thread and decorate is a real eye-catcher on any celebration and great for decorating the children‘s room. 24 pieces with string. Materials: plywood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: 5,5 x 9,7 cm per part.

Konfettitaler Pastell-1 Konfettitaler Pastell-2
Confettidots Pastel
The Confettidots are a great addition to beautiful scenes made with our new Decorative Figures. Along with our pennant banner (70245, 70246, 93110), the Confettidots are wonderful festive decorations. 120 pieces in a paper cup, Ø 2 cm, wood: plywood, non-toxic water based color stain

Konfettitaler Regenbogen-1 Konfettitaler Regenbogen
Confettidots Rainbow
The Confettidots are a great addition to beautiful scenes made with our new Decorative Figures. Along with our pennant banner (70245, 70246, 93110), the Confettidots are wonderful festive decorations. 120 pieces in a paper cup, Ø 2 cm, wood: plywood, non-toxic water based color stain

140 Riesen Glitzersteine-1 140 Riesen Glitzersteine-2
140 Giant Acrylic Glitter Stones
Much decoration material, ideal for kindergarten! For decorating the Birthday table or nature table, building block castles and palasts and it is a real treasure in every secret box. Ideal storage: small Sorting Helper (Art. No 10298). 140 pieces, 7 different shapes. Materials: Acryl, mirror surface on bottom (more sparkling). Size: diameter between 2,5-4,5cm.
