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Four Seasons Assorted Figures
January: Snowman
February: Clown
March: Tulip
April: Rabbit
May: Birch
June: Butterfly
July: Cherry
August: Sailing Boat
September: Windmill
October: Toadstool
November: Dwarf
December: Star
12 Decorative Figures + one Brass Candle Holder (12mm).
Materials: handpainted lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: height ca. 3-8cm, thickness 1cm.
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Festivities and rituals
Why are rituals so important for children?
Festivals, birthdays and rituals are highlights of the year. They celebrate nature, the people around us and the time we spend together. For children in particular, they are often associated with something magical. With our seasonal and festive decorations, we want to promote these traditions and contribute to unforgettable family moments.
Rituals strengthen self-confidence and support children's personal development.
Rituals give children stability and orientation in this world.
They learn:
I am safe and secure!
Rituals promote a sense of family cohesion in children.
They learn:
I am important and belong!
Family Celebrations & Rituals