Classic all-rounder - our large Rainbow

1. Role Play

Role-playing games are a big topic with children. Interestingly, children completely immerse themselves in their roles with ease, whereas adults often find it a bit of an effort to get involved in such games. Children mirror the life they experience around them and learn to empathise with others and grow as a result. This strengthens the little ones' social skills and benefits them for the rest of their lives.

The large Rainbow is a very versatile companion in role play. Its arches can be turned into telephone receivers or doll cradles in an instant. Together with our Semi Circles and a little ‘decoration’, it can also be used to make a multi-tiered cake for imaginative birthday parties with cuddly toys.
2. Ball Runs

For those who like to construct and tinker, the topic of ball runs is certainly exciting. The grown-ups often enjoy it too and if you can't get dad out of the kidsroom, it could be because of a new ball run project.

You really don't need to be a ball run expert to build a great ball run from the large Rainbow. The arches can easily be laid out to form colourful tracks that provide long-lasting fun and can be varied again and again as required. The rattling of the balls on the wooden arches is also so beautiful to listen to that it's hard to stop.
3. Small World Play

You don't need much other than imagination to immerse yourself in small world plays. As children have themed interests depending on their age, they like to act them out in their little play worlds. This also helps them to get to know the world around them better and to localise themselves in it. However, because interests change quickly and the imagination needs a little space, play worlds that are not predetermined down to the last detail, which may look a little sporadic in the eyes of parents, are completely sufficient because worlds are created in children's minds anyway that you don't need to see in order to experience them.

The arches of the Rainbow are popular beds for small play dolls or water troughs for small animal figures. They are also perfect as fences, roads, bridges and tunnels. And if you stack the arches with the Semi Circles in between according to size, you have a quick and universally usable doll's house, car park, princess castle or, or, or ...
4. Stacking & Building

The topic of stacking and building starts very early for children and continues into adulthood. Trying out what works and what can be optimised. These are crucial learning processes that accompany us in one way or another throughout our lives.

The large Rainbow provides the ideal building material, tempting us to try things out again and again. The surface of its natural wood is velvety grey and therefore sticks together particularly well. This means that even young beginners can experience success and gain confidence in themselves and their own work. The creative design possibilities are endless and can be combined with other play materials as required and rediscovered time and time again. How about a completely sustainable rainbow Christmas tree for Christmas, for example?
5. Colour Play

We live in a wonderfully colourful world and we celebrate this with our play materials. The colourfulness of the rainbow in nature was of course the most beautiful inspiration. But the other colour variations of our large Rainbow also have their very personal and beautiful appearance.

To get to know colours, colour gradations and colour harmonies, the Rainbow in all its colours is a valuable introduction to discovering aesthetics. In combination with its incomparable feel and natural shapes, it offers a comprehensive variety that makes it a cross-generational companion.
6. Active Play

Children need to move, that much is clear. Of course, the best place to let off steam is in the fresh air. But there are also great ways to convert excess energy into active fun indoors. So the Rainbow can do that too? Of course it can!

The arches of the Rainbow can simply be laid out in circles on the floor and then filled with different materials. This gives you your own indoor barefoot path. Of course, it also works as a small sensory trail: simply blindfold yourself with a cloth and then feel the materials with your hands. And there are numerous other ways to play with the Rainbow using your whole body.
7. Flat Lays
Laying pictures can be totally underestimated but incredibly funny. They are a bit like jigsaw puzzles, but even more creative because the picture you put together is not predetermined but can be freely designed.

The Rainbow with its semi-circular shapes is ideal for this - especially in combination with other smaller materials. For example, large mandalas can be laid out wonderfully on the floor with laying pictures. They are also a good way of expressing and learning feelings. The best pictures are created when you just go wild.

8. In the kidsroom

Due to its special aesthetic, the Rainbow is also a popular ‘decorative item’ in the kidsroom. In pictures, it is often seen standing neatly assembled on a shelf and looking beautiful. It can do that really well. However, there is a slight risk that it is actually perceived as decoration and its incredible potential is completely overlooked. That's why we suggest you put the rainbow on the shelf every now and then to make it look nice, but also bring it down to your children's reach at times and don't display it in a way that makes it recognisable as a rainbow, but instead place the individual bows, taken apart, in an accessible basket or wildly on the floor. If you do this, the children will not only see it as a perfectly assembled Rainbow, but also as a building material and then it can really shine with all its skills.

As you can see, we celebrate our large Rainbow very much and not only we, but also many people big and small out there in the world celebrate it with us. Every day it is touched, built on, played with and thrown by small and large children's hands. It fires the imagination of so many growing people and accompanies and encourages them in what they do and what they are. We love everything about it!
