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Climate Partner

Who is ClimatePartner and how do they work?

ClimatePartner GmbH helps companies to calculate and reduce their own CO2 emissions and offset any remaining emissions.

It is therefore a matter of knowing and reducing our own CO2 balance and offsetting the remaining burdens - which always exist - through external climate protection projects.

Yay - we are certified! What now?

GRIMM'S Spiel und Holz Design is a ClimatePartner-certified company, which means:

We have calculated our greenhouse gas emissions

For the period from January to December 2022: 1,067.92 t CO₂
This figure is roughly equivalent to the carbon footprint of 123 Europeans per year.

We have looked at how the emissions are generated and considered how we can reduce them: The majority of our CO₂ emissions (95.7%) come from the delivery of our raw materials and the worldwide shipping of our finished wooden toys. The remainder (4.3%) is attributable to our heat production using heating oil and wood pellets as well as our vehicle fleet.


We are working every day to reduce our emissions

We have reduced our transportation emissions by switching to lower-emission vehicles when shipping finished products. Our logistics have been optimized through improved capacity utilization. Our electricity and energy consumption has been systematically recorded and analyzed. We use LED lighting. And 75% of our vehicle fleet has been converted to e-mobility. We also provide a charging infrastructure for our employees' electric vehicles.

We also finance climate protection projects

Not all emissions can be reduced or even completely avoided. To compensate for this, we support climate protection projects. You can find out more about the individual projects here.



We have set out on our journey and will continue to improve. In cooperation with ClimatePartner, we have set targets and defined concrete next steps. All information can be found on our ClimatePartner ID website.

If you have any further questions about sustainability at GRIMM'S, please contact our Sustainability Officer:

Karl-Heinz Brändle
Phone: +49 7153 6 10 34-25


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