Welcome to our Easter World

Welcome to our Easter World

Play 'n' Roll!
Imagination, Self-Confidence and Independence
Play, Role, Build
When GRIMM'S and Stapelstein® get together, unfolds free play in its most beautiful form.
To play is to grow
Make your home your child's natural habitat and enable your children to foster their imagination, self-confidence and independence.
Favourites from the community

GRIMM'S Classics for Spring

"We believe that Playing, Learning and Experiencing is an attitude rather than a matter of age."
Sven und Elke Grimm
GRIMM'S Magazine
Here, you will find tips and inspiration for your life with children.
Children's furniture in the family area - one place for everyone"My child plays everywhere in the home except in the children's room - but why is it like that?" A s...
GRIMM'S x Stapelstein®: Play, Role, BuildWhen GRIMM'S and Stapelstein® get together, unfolds free play in its most beautiful form. There is a...
What makes GRIMM'S so special? - A company with a visionWhen we say that we make play materials for children out of wood, this is true, but not complete. Ab...
Less is more - an interview with Montessori experts Simone Davies and Junnifa UzodikeSimone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike are internationally recognised Montessori specialists and bestsell...
Advent calendar made easy: 1 product - 24 Advent daysWhen thinking about this year's Advent calendar inspiration, we came up with something very simple a...
To play is to grow: Children growing beyond themselvesThere are countless options when it comes to furnishing a child's room and everyone has a well-inten...
Every little step counts - sustainability in everyday family lifeWhat do parenthood and sustainability have in common? Perhaps even more than you might think at firs...
Learning to speak through play - interview with speech therapist Patricia PomnitzIt's posts like "Language fun with building blocks" and "How many toys does my child need?" that hav...
Classic all-rounder - our large RainbowWe have around 600 great products and yet there is one that stands out and is immediately associated...
Not just for kids - How children AND adults benefit from playHave you ever wondered if you were buying the toys more for the kids or yourself, and then instantly...
Get some fresh air - 9 ideas for outdoor playAre you coming to play outside? Children not only love playing outside, it's also incredibly good fo...
Go beyond the frame, little Building World! - Our new items 2024People love stories, they fill the world with meaning. We look for them and we find them all around ...
Inspiration, for and from our community